Friday 2 September 2016

reflections literacy Week 6 Term 3

Here is my Life cycle of a frog. It was very very fun because i got to learn about frogs and what they do and how they get damaged and my Walt is to write an explanation using the correct structure.
Here is my To be a explorer  i said a lot about how to be a explorer  and safety when you are exploring so you don't hurt  your self when your explorer.


  1. Hi Harris i like the life cycle of a frog it is very good.
    Good work.
    BY BEN

  2. Thanks Ben for that I really liked your comment i really liked learning about a frog. I will check out your blog.

  3. Hi Harris, I am Katie and I go to St Patrick's school.
    I really liked your How to be a explorer but maybe next time you could make the slideshow I little wider because it was hard to read.
    I go tramping to.
    Do you go tramping?


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.