Thursday 15 December 2016

2016 end of year reflections

This week for the last week of year  Mrs Clark said that we are going to do a end of year reflections
my best highlight was athletics because I nearly got in to Grey Districts and my goal for next year is to get into West Coast.

Tuesday 29 November 2016

reflections 2016 Wk 8 term 4

This Mrs Clark Set a task i liked this activity because you got to retell what you liked about the book and why i liked this book because it was funny and exciting.

Friday 25 November 2016

reflections 2016 week 7

This week for chapter chat Mrs Clark told us to do this activity. I liked this because we got to design your own trophy and i like to design my own stuff.

Friday 4 November 2016

reflections 2016 week 6

This week for Chapter chat Mrs Clark gave as a opcin to do 4 Chapter chat activity's  and i chose this one because i like Chelsea and it's my favorite team in scorer.I like this activity   because you had to make your own Chelsea card and i like that we could design your own card.

This week for tic tic toe I chose free writing for it. I liked this activity because you got to chose your own writing.  I wrote about going to the Birchfeld's farm.

this week for maths Mrs Clark set a task for maths and it was easy.I liked this activity because you got learn about 3d shapes and 2d shapes.

Friday 28 October 2016

reflections 2016 Term 4 wk3

This week for chapter chat Mrs Clark set a task for the class and was a chapter.I liked this because you got to customise your person.

Two days ago we had athletics and i won the finishing race and i got into grey district but i cant go because i am year 4 that was sad :(

A couple of week ago New World gave M1 to boxes fall of little gardens and we planted them in the garden and are really really big.And THANK YOU NEW WORLD.  

Thursday 20 October 2016

reflections 2016 week2

This week for chapter chat Mrs Clark set a task for the class it was a chapter chat task.I liked it because i like cats and this was a cat activity.The cats name was named after Margret thatcher she was the president  England.

This week for literacy Mrs Clark set a task for class. I liked this activity because you got tell what you liked to do for learning and what  you like to do with learning.

Friday 14 October 2016

Numeracy reflections 2016

This week for maths Mrs Clark made a maths thing for the class this was very hard for me and challenging but me and Stanley did it.

Writing reflections 2016 Week 1 Term 4

This for writing Mrs Clark set a routine timetable for writing.I really like it because you can do free writing like what you did in the holiday and that's what i have just writ about.

reflections week 1 Term 4

This week for follow up we Mrs Clark introduced the class to our new Chapter Chat. I really liked this activity because you could design bully's and also don't be a bully :) .

Thursday 22 September 2016

reflections Term 3 week9

This week for my  DLO we had to do a summary about the book, and what ratingI gave it.  I liked it because we read the book and I really liked the book so I liked this activity. I think this activity was the best. If you have read this book and you liked it you should like this then.  My favourite part was writing the fun facts.

Friday 9 September 2016

reflections Term 3 blog

Age of Exploration

The Age of Exploration (also called the Age of Discovery) began in the 1400s and continued through the 1600s. It was a period of time when the European nations began exploring the world. They discovered new routes
to India, much of the Far East, and the Americas. The Age of Exploration took place at the same time as the Renaissance.

Why explore?
Outfitting an expedition could be expensive and risky. Many ships never returned. So why did the Europeans want to explore? The simple answer is money. Although, some individual explorers wanted to gain fame or experience adventure, the main purpose of an expedition was to make money.

How did expeditions make money?
Expeditions made money primarily by discovering new trade routes for their nations. When the Ottoman Empire captured Constantinople in 1453, many existing trade routes to India and China were shut down. These trade routes were very valuable as they brought in expensive products such as spices and silk. New expeditions tried to discover oceangoing routes to India and the Far East. Some expeditions became rich by discovering gold and silver, such as the expeditions of the Spanish to the Americas. They also found new land where colonies could be established and crops such as sugar, cotton, and tobacco could be grown.

Henry the Navigator
The Age of Exploration began in the nation of Portugal under the leadership of Henry the Navigator. Henry sent out ships to map and explore the west coast of Africa. They went further south than any previous European expedition and mapped much of western Africa for the Portuguese. In 1488, Portuguese explorer Bartolomeu Dias was the first European to sail around the southern tip of Africa and into the Indian Ocean.

Christopher Columbus
Soon the Spanish wanted to find a trade route to the Far East. Explorer Christopher Columbus thought that he could sail west, across the Atlantic Ocean, to China. He could not get the Portuguese to fund his expedition, so he went to the Spanish. Spanish monarchs Isabella and Ferdinand agreed to pay for Columbus' trip. In 1492 Columbus discovered the New World of the Americas.

Portugal and Spain
Portugal and Spain became the early leaders in the Age of Exploration. Through the Treaty of Tordesillas the two countries agreed to divide up the New World. Spain got most of the Americas while Portugal got Brazil, India, and Asia. Spain sent over conquistadors to explore the Americas and to conquer the peoples there. Hernan Cortes conquered the Aztec Empire in Mexico and Francisco Pizarro conquered the Inca Empire in Peru. They made Spain rich with the gold and silver they found in the Americas. Portugal sent out Vasco da Gama who found a trade route around the southern tip of Africa and to India. They also explored mu?hina at Macau.

Other countries such as Great Britain and the Netherlands established colonies in the New World. Eventually Great Britain would overtake all of the European nations in terms of the size of their world wide empire including the thirteen colonies in the Americas that later became the United States.

The Age of Exploration was one of the most important times in the history of world geography. A large portion of the unknown world was mapped during this short period. Also, many advances were made in navigation and mapping which helped future explorers and travelers.

Interesting Facts about the Age of Exploration

  • During the Age of Exploration Europeans referred to the entire area of Southeast Asia and India as the "East Indies".
  • The first expedition to circle the globe was led by Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan. Unfortunately, Magellan was killed during the expedition and did not complete the voyage.
  • Some areas of the world were not fully mapped or discovered until well after the Age of Exploration including Eastern Australia, the interior of Africa, the Arctic, and the Antarctic.
  • Many explorers such as Captain James Cook and Sir Francis Drake searched for a Northwest Passage to East Asia, but it wasn't until
  • 1906 that explorer Ronald Amundsen completed the journey.

This week for Literacy Mrs Clark made the class study why people explorer in our own words and we were not allowed to use google it was hard because we had to think for our selves and use our own knowledge.
This week for Literacy Mrs Clark made the class do this explorer summary I really liked this activity because you had to think why people explorer in our own words and not use google it was a challenge but I liked it.

Friday 2 September 2016

reflections literacy Week 6 Term 3

Here is my Life cycle of a frog. It was very very fun because i got to learn about frogs and what they do and how they get damaged and my Walt is to write an explanation using the correct structure.
Here is my To be a explorer  i said a lot about how to be a explorer  and safety when you are exploring so you don't hurt  your self when your explorer.

Friday 26 August 2016

reflections Week 5 Term 3

This my medal tally for this Olympics. We had won 18 medals this Olympics that was a like a winning streak for NZ. I was very happy when  we broke our record for the amount of medals won.This is Knowledge activity 3. I used a Google slide because you can make new slides to add more information.

This is my fractions for this week. I learnt a lot about fractions this week it was hard learning about fractions
but it was cool learning about factions , my DLO shows what I know now about fractions. I liked it a lot, I used  a google slide because you can make new slides.  I need to work on identifying fractions more quickly, I find this a bit tricky.

Monday 22 August 2016

week 4 reflections term 3

This week i have been working on this Olympics slide. It is about how the olympics began. Next time I should have a bit more information in this slide because I rushed this activity.
And this my current NZ Olympian research it was cool learning about Sonny Bill Williams, but it wasn't cool when he was out the Olympics it was sad because he is a really good 7s player :(

Book Character day today was fun.  I dressed as an army person from my army book that I have at home.  I chose this character and my friend and I dressed up the same.

Friday 8 July 2016

Reflections Week 10Term 2

This week we had to reflect on what we have been working on this term and look at what we weant to work on next term.

Friday 1 July 2016

Reflection Week 9 Term 2

Here we had to do a screencastify  it was cool reading . And then getting feed back it was cool because you got feedback from a class mate when you were finished and we could see what we needed to work on.

Yesterday we  had Prep, It was fun having prep this week. My group CSGO Products sold out fast we made paper curl knives and spears.

Thursday 23 June 2016

Reflections Week 8 Term 2

For word work we had to hangman it was very fun doing it I did movie hero because I wanted to learn  more movie heroes .
My  whole class had to do this math follow up We are learning about Financial Literacy. It was fun because we got to make our birthday party . Its fun making birthday party.
Here is my follow up from this week. This is my follow up It was fun to do for work  i really liked it .Thanks Mrs Clark
Here is our writing for this week . We were learning the correct usage of punctuation. It was easy to do I really liked it so much .

Friday 17 June 2016

Reflections Week 7 Term 2

 My group learnt FV PV TV it was cool learning it

Here my group had do fishy numbers it was a great starer it was every fun

 This is my writing this week.  We had to include similes in our work.

Friday 10 June 2016

Reflections Week 6 Term 2

He we had to  do three digit numbers  it was  challenging but we got through  it .
For writing we were using similies to describe our monster.  Here we had to make a slide and then we had to get pictures it was easy and not easy  .
This was quite easy except for the angle fish book where I had to review back through the book.  I got there in the end.

Friday 3 June 2016

Reflections Term 2 Week 5

     Here we had to describe about the character Eddie  he was shy in the book a lot he got over his fear .
We were learning to identify tens and ones.  My group mastered this so Mrs Clark challenged us with 3 digit numbers.

Friday 27 May 2016

week 4 Term 2 Reflections

We had to google research how many bats where in Australia.  There were 20000 bats, that is a lot.

Our class read mrs stink.  When we finished reading the book we watched the movie.  We had to do similarities and differences between them. There were a lot of both.

Wednesday 25 May 2016


This is my ABCya word cloud with the characteristics that my friends think of me.

Friday 20 May 2016

Friday 13 May 2016

Reflections Wk 2 T2

i learnt what i do in my day  i don,t really r ember what i do in my day 

For Maths we had to create a table showing what we did in a day and work out how long we spent on each activity.  

 I learnt about ANZAC people who won land for us all and thought for you and others.

Friday 8 April 2016

Wednesday 6 April 2016

I  learnt to count in words that was hard then I thought it was easy

Week 6 Reflection

WALT:  guess what the story is going to be about

Friday 11 March 2016

Reflections Week 9

welcome to 2016

Welcome to my blog.
I am looking capms and all sorts of tipes of thing to. I rekein that this is going to be the best year. This is the camp that we are going to this year
fox-glacier-New-Zealand.jpg (600×328)

Wednesday 2 March 2016